
Refueling Stations

LCNG Refueling Station

CNG from LNG with a much-reduced running cost is made available. Large to compact and combines LCNG stations with LNG bulk distribution systems are designed, engineered and executed by our well experienced team.

With our partners, we support state and private owned diesel engine buses, trucks and boats to be converted to natural gas driven engines and establish fully automatic, semi-automatic or manual refueling facilities on demand. Capacities and types can be as per the customer requirements.

LNG Refueling Station

LNG is directly stored on vehicles in specially made cryogenic storage tanks and used to fuel heavy-duty vehicles to run with frequent refueling. Large mine dumpers, heavy trucks and large fishing boats can benefit from this technology and save on the fuel cost substantially without compromising on the performance. We also have mobile refueling stations for mine applications and remote refueling systems.

CNG and LNG from the same fueling station is also can be established as per the requirements of the customer. Apart from dispensing CNG to vehicles, can additionally dispense LNG as well to heavy duty vehicles fitted with LNG fuel tanks on board. These stations become attractive for large Govt. and private companies, operating mix fleet of light, heavy and very heavy vehicles. These refueling stations can be installed at major locations providing uninterrupted supply to both CNG and LNG vehicles. These are suitable solutions for intermediate refueling stations on the large motor ways. We can provide gas refueling and captive power generation on remote locations.

Satellite Solutions

With LNG Supply arrangements with gas companies, Salem Industry LLC can provide uninterrupted LNG supply to industrial (process) and commercial applications outside the gas pipeline network. And has partnered with Gas Burner manufacturers to provide integrated solutions, to replace furnace oil, diesel and LPG with LNG, improving combustion efficiency, reducing air pollution significantly and lowering operation cost.

Salient Features:

  • Turnkey Solutions with monitoring and control.
  • Automation – for remote operation.
  • Designed as per International standards incorporating local regulations.
  • Configured to specific customer requirement and usage pattern.
  • Complying to all local regulations and safety.